
All students accepted into the AnMed Radiology Program will be expected to comply with all policies and expectations.

Student Services

All available student services are in compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990.

  1. Access to Employee Health services equivalent to other AnMed employees
  2. Employee meal discounts
  3. Parking in designated areas without charge
  4. Employee Assistance Program
  5. Student limited employment opportunities

Dress Code

As professionals, students are expected to follow dress code any time they are in class or in the Radiology Department. All students wear designated white uniform tops, navy blue pants, white professional shoes, and white hose/socks. A thorough explanation of rules for uniforms and grooming are addressed at the information session and is explained in depth in the student handbook.

Students are to be neat and well groomed at all times. This includes proper personal hygiene and daily change of uniform. Uniforms are to be clean and pressed.  Hair must be styled in a professional manner that is away from the face and above the shoulders at all times when in uniform.  Long, unsecured hair is a safety hazard. For the protection of the student technologist and the patient, long hair must be styled in a manner that cannot sweep across a sterile field or patient. Conservative hair accessories may be worn to secure hair. These include small, neutral colored ribbons or bows and exclude large, bright colored ribbons or fashion bows. If a beard or moustache is worn, it must be neatly groomed.

Jewelry should be modest, safe, and practical.  A watch and one ring or ring set per hand may be worn.  If a necklace is worn it must be secured inside the uniform at all times. Earrings are limited to a small post styles only. No large loops are permitted due to personal safety. Other visible body piercing jewelry is not permitted. Nails must be kept short and clean according the medical center's nail policy (1/4 inch or shorter length).  Acrylic nails and nail enhancements are prohibited for patient care givers. Any tattoos deemed offensive must be covered. Wearing perfume or lotion with strong fragrances is restricted in the clinical area due to the fact many patients cannot cope with certain odors.

Grading & Attendance Policy

The AnMed Radiologic Technology Program presents a competency based curricula that prepares student for a carer in radiologic technology consistent with program goals and with the Standards of an Accredited Radiologic Technology Program as specified by the Joint Review Committee on Education for Radiologic Technologists.

The program provides students with the number and variety of procedures and the clinical experiences necessary to complete the objectives of the program. Students’ clinical rotations take place at AnMed Medical Center and at the AnMed North Campus, and may include observations at a satellite campus and other clinical competency skills.

A grade of 90 percent or higher is recommended on each course. A student will not graduate with less than a grade of "C" on any didactic course. Requirements are addressed in each course syllabus and in the list of required terminal competencies that are provided for each student.

Grades are issued every six months. Interim grade reports are issued as deemed appropriate by the director. Students will designate in writing anyone that may be given information about their progress. 

AnMed will award a certificate of completion and will provide documentation of eligibility for certification after students’ successfully complete 24 months of didactic and clinical instruction.

AnMed will also provide a transcript of courses and credits to a college or university if requested by a graduate in writing. Credits awarded or transferred vary per college/universities and are not guaranteed.

Grading Scale

A = 94 – 100
B = 85 – 93
C = 75 – 84
D = 70 – 74
F = < 70

Extended Leave

If a medical condition prevents the student from attending clinic for an extended period of time, the student's future status in the program will be evaluated and a plan for clinical make-up time will be established.

Depending on the degree of completion of the program at the time of the incident, either a normal or revised clinical schedule will be determined by the clinical coordinator.  This is to assure that the student will complete all clinical objectives in an educationally sound manner.

  • The student must immediately provide the clinical coordinator with written documentation from a physician that a medical condition exists that prohibits the ability to perform clinical procedures for a period of time.  The student must submit a written statement identifying his/her desire to take a medical leave.
  • Upon the student's return, written consent from a physician must be submitted to the clinical coordinator stating that the student is able to participate in clinical procedures to meet program requirements. 

Any medical leave or cumulative absences that extend beyond 10 percent of the total contact hours may result in the need for the student to withdraw from the program or he/she may have the option to re-apply for the following academic year. 

All hours absent in excess of allotted days-off are reassigned at the end of the program after graduation and prior to writing the national registry. Students may schedule make-up days for excused absences during semester breaks, or possibly on a holiday, if approved by the program director.

Graduation Requirements

Students must attend the entire 24 month program to be eligible to graduate. All objectives for academic and clinical education must be completed. Each student must successfully complete the Program and ARRT clinical competency requirements.

Certification Process

To be eligible for the national certification exam and to become certified, students must meet the eligibility requirements of the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT). One eligibility issue addressed by the ARRT Rules of Ethics is the conviction of a crime. This includes a felony or misdemeanor, with the sole exception of speeding and parking violations. All alcohol and/or drug related violations must be reported. Additional information is available online to assist applicants in determining their eligibility before applying to the program.

Disclaimer Statement

This website contains material from the Student Handbook and the Policy and Procedures Manual. Program documents, as well as a copy of the JRCERT Standards for an Accredited Educational Program in Radiography, are readily available through the office of the Program Director.

The AnMed Radiologic Technology Program reserves the right to modify its policies and procedure for the progressive development of the program. The information within this website is subject to change without notice.

Grievance Policy 

In the event that a student strongly disagrees with an instructor or program faculty’s decision regarding a disciplinary action and wishes to appeal, or if he/she has a grievance, the steps listed below should be followed:

Step 1: Address the grievance to the Program Director for further consideration within 15 days of the event or address.

The Program Director will respond to the student within a 24-hour period. If the grievance is in regard to the Program Director, go to Step 2.

Step 2: If the student is dissatisfied with the Program Director's decision, the student should address the grievance to the Director of Radiology within one week following the grievance.

The Director of Radiology will respond to the student within three days.

Step 3: A final appeal may be directed to the Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer. Services within one week following the response from the Director of Radiology, who may choose to render the final decision or delegate the rendering of the decision to Human Resources or to the Corporate Compliance Officer of the medical center for appropriate action.

The Vice President, Human Resources, or Corporate Compliance Officer should respond to the grievance within one week.

Step 4: After the institutional procedure is exhausted, a complaint may be made to the JRCERT (address available under Accreditation) by a student or graduate to allege non-compliance of the program with the Standards. If the program is notified by the JRCERT that a complaint was received, a response will be addressed jointly by the Director of Radiology and the Program Director, with advisement from the Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer

Step 5: After exhausting steps 1-4, students may contact the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education

Clinical Sites

Professional liability is provided by AnMed. All accepted students are required to rotate to each of the clinical sites listed below:

AnMed Medical Center
800 N. Fant Street
Anderson, SC 29621

AnMed North Campus
2000 E. Greenville Street
Anderson, SC 29621

AnMed Orthopedics and Sports Medicine
100 Healthy Way
Anderson, SC 29621