If you are uninsured, you may be able to receive a discount on your bill. For more information about AnMed's discount program, talk with the person registering or admitting you or call the Patient Accounts Office at 864-512-1417 or 1-800-388-3496.

If you do not have health insurance or if your health insurance does not cover these costs, AnMed offers a financial counseling service to help patients identify possible options for medical coverage. We offer assistance with:

  • Social Security Disability and SSI
  • SC and GA Medicaid Affordable Health Care Act
  • South Carolina Office of Victim Assistance
  • Charity Care

AnMed offers financial assistance, based on the current Federal Poverty Guidelines, to uninsured patients and guarantors with an outstanding balance owed for medically necessary services. Depending on the patient's Federal Poverty Level, which is determined by household income and the number of qualifying individuals in the household, a discount may be applied. The following sliding scale will be used for determining the discount:

  • <200% FPL= 100% discount
  • 201–300% FPL= 75% discount
  • 301–400% FPL= 65% discount

NOTE: These discounts are taken after the self-pay discount of 50% off of gross charges.

Once a patient is approved for financial assistance, the discount will apply to all qualifying accounts 180 days prior from the application date. The discount will also be applied to future accounts with dates of service 180 days forward from the application date. Patients or guarantors may be determined to be "Presumptively Eligible" for financial assistance based on eligibility for other specific state or federal programs. Additional information regarding available financial assistance, including copies of the Medical Assistance Program and application can be found at anmed.org.

In addition, patients can obtain a copy of these documents, at no cost, by sending a request to AnMed, Financial Counseling Department, 800 N. Fant St., Anderson, SC, 29621 or in person at 800 N. Fant St., Anderson, SC, 29621. Our financial counselors can be reached at 864-512-3435, Monday–Friday from 8:00–5:00, to assist you with any additional questions. Patients approved for financial assistance under the AnMed's Medical Assistance Program will be billed no more than the amount generally billed (AGB) to Medicare and our private health Insurers. Applications for financial assistance are also available in Spanish.

Financial Assistance Program Policy

Financial Assistance Program Information

Apply Today!

Download and complete the Coverage Assistance & Financial Assistance application and deliver to:


AnMed Business Office 
522 N. McDuffie Street
Anderson, SC 29621 



Attention: Financial Counselors 
800 N. Fant Street
Anderson, SC 29621

Questions? Need Additional Info?

Have further questions? Need to schedule an appointment with our financial assistance team?

AnMed Financial Counseling Department 
800-388-3496, ext. 3435
Business Hours: 
Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.